Self Host Installation

Server Requirements

Invoice Ninja has a few system requirements. Built on top of Laravel it requires a PHP and MySQL server at a minimum with the following version and extensions installed.

On ubuntu this should be as simple as running:

sudo apt install php8.2-bcmath php8.2-gmp \
    php8.2-gd php8.2-mbstring php8.2-xml \
    php8.2-curl php8.2-zip php8.2-gmp php8.2-mysql php8.2-fpm \ 
    php8.2-imagick php8.2-soap php8.2-common php8.2-intl

You need to setup this version completely from scratch. Do not attempt to overwrite your old version of Invoice Ninja (4.x.x) with this version as the two codebases are completely different.

Invoice Ninja does not support installation into a subdirectory. You will need a Domain or Subdomain for installation in its root location. ie not

Installing Invoice Ninja

CLI script

If your webserver is already configured and you have credentials to your database, community member Dros has created a CLI management and maintenance script for you.

CLI - install | update | backup

This script complements the excellent Distribution based server configurations below. Once your server meets the prerequisites (webserver configured & database accessible), this script makes the rest of the setup a breeze.


We have a dedicated repository with detailed instructions on how to get started HERE.

If you make changes to your env file, please remember to reboot the container for the changes to take effect!

Distribution based server configurations

If you need to configure your server from scratch, you'll find some excellent tutorials below.

Ubuntu 20.04 (Recommended)

Community member TechnicallyComputers has a very helpful step by step guide on how to install Invoice Ninja v5 from scratch onto Ubuntu, you can access the guide here

Ubuntu 22.04

Community member TechnicallyComputers has a very helpful step by step guide on how to install Invoice Ninja v5.5 from scratch onto Ubuntu, you can access the guide here

Installing on CentOS 8

If CentOS is more your Flavour, community member TechnicallyComputers has a very thorough step by step installation guide here.

Installing on Arch

If Arch Linux is more your flavour, community member brackenhill-mob has a very thorough step by step installation guide here

Installing on Enterprise Linux

TechnicallyComputers also has a guide for installation Invoice Ninja on Enterprise Linux here

Pre built archive (Advanced)

A prebuilt archive can be downloaded from our GitHub release page here. You will need to download the package named invoiceninja.tar

Unpack this file into the virtual host directory you have created.

This option is suited for advanced users. If you prefer a more convenient installation option, consider the CLI script.

File Permissions

Ensure the file permission have been set to the web server user. For example in Ubuntu this is www-data if you have configured a virtual host with a root directory of /var/www/html you would set the ownership like this.

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html
sudo find ./ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

Web server configuration

A sample NGINX configuration is provided below, it assumes you have PHP 8.1 installed with the PHP FPM extension installed

server {

listen 80;
server_name invoiceninja.test;
root /var/www/invoiceninja/public;
index index.php index.html index.htm;
client_max_body_size 20M;

gzip on;
gzip_types      application/javascript application/x-javascript text/javascript text/plain application/xml application/json;
gzip_proxied    no-cache no-store private expired auth;
gzip_min_length 1000;

# Allow access to index.php
location = /index.php {
    include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
    fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php8.2-fpm.sock;

# Block all other .php requests
location ~ \.php$ {
    return 403;

location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

    # Add your rewrite rule for non-existent files
    if (!-e $request_filename) {
        rewrite ^(.+)$ /index.php?q=$1 last;

location ~ /\.ht {
    deny all;


Performance hint!

Enable gzip in your webserver configuration, this will dramatically improve the loading time of the application! Please see the above nginx configuration for a sample of how to load the components of the application with gzip.

Database server configuration

Create a database on your MySQL compatible server and add a user that has full access to the database. Database configuration is out of the scope of this article, more information can be found here

Cron configuration

Ensure you set the scheduler under the web server user i.e. sudo -u www-data crontab -e

Invoice Ninja relies heavily on the Laravel Scheduler, for this to operate it requires that a cron job to be configured, edit your crontab and enter the following record.

* * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

If you are using shared hosting, then you will need to add an additional parameter to the cron command which looks like this:

* * * * * cd /path/to/root/folder && /usr/bin/php -d register_argc_argv=On artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

Installation from git (Advanced)

For power users installing the app from Github can be done with the following two steps

git clone -b v5-stable --single-branch

composer create-project --no-dev

Be aware, at the time of writing the react frontend is not included by default if you clone this repository. Refer to the configured Github workflow for additional information.

Final setup steps

Once you have configured your virtual host, copy the same .env file




then create a database and point your browser to - the setup process will check a number of system settings such as PDF generation, database and mail settings and also allow you to configure the first account on the system, click Submit and the app will setup your application and redirect you to the login page

Cron configuration

Invoice Ninja relies heavily on the Laravel Scheduler, for this to operate it requires that a cron job to be configured, edit your crontab and enter the following record

Ensure you set the scheduler under the web server user i.e. sudo -u www-data crontab -e

* * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

Some Webservers require the Cronjob to end with > /dev/null 2>&1 instead of >> /dev/null 2>&1 for it to work. Also check if your Webserver Cronjob needs to be set with /private_html/ instead of /public_html/ within the path. And sometimes it's enough to put php instead of /opt/alt/php73/usr/bin/php in the cronjob scheduler command to execute.

If you still encounter errors, it may be helpful to temporarily remove >> /dev/null 2>&1 from the cron, this should output the cron to the cron.log

If you are having troubles with your crons, have a look at the troubleshooting section here

If you would like to improve the performance of your Invoice Ninja installation, then turning on the queue system will dramatically improve the performance of the application.

If you have root access to your system, then simply follow the Laravel guide to configure the supervisor service to start and restart your queue.

Forum member @link470 also has the following guide to configure the Supervisor process on Ubuntu 22.04 using the following steps:

Supervisor for Invoice Ninja Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

$ sudo apt-get install supervisor

Next, create a configuration file for Invoice Ninja by navigating to the Supervisor configuration directory and starting up your text editor of choice with the file name to use. You can set any file name here ending in .conf. I’m using vi.

$ cd /etc/supervisor/conf.d
$ sudo vi invoiceninja-worker.conf

In the new invoiceninja-worker.conf file, enter the following:.

command=php /path/to/invoiceninja/artisan queue:work --sleep=3 --tries=3 --max-time=3600

There’s 4 main things to change:

program: The program name you’ll use for the worker
command: The path to the artisan file in the root of the Invoice Ninja application directory
user: The user that’ll be running Supervisor. Typically, this is the web server user (the same user that has ownership over the Invoice Ninja files)
stdout_logfile: Optionally, include the path to a log file for the Supervisor worker
Once these changes are made to suit your environment, save the file.

If you chose to set a log file path, ensure the log file is created and that the user account configured has access to it. For this example, the log is stored in /var/log.

$ cd /var/log
$ sudo touch invoiceninja-worker.log
$ sudo chown www-data:www-data invoiceninja-worker.log

Now that Supervisor is set up, we can read the configuration file:

$ sudo supervisorctl reread

This should tell us that the name of our config (invoiceninja-worker) is available. The above command will also need to be re-ran any time that the config file is updated.

Next, add the new config to the process group for Supervisor (this command also needs to be ran any time the configuration is updated)

$ sudo supervisorctl update

Now, start the Supervisor worker

$ sudo supervisorctl start invoiceninja-worker:*

Running the following will show worker processes as RUNNING (on my installation, I see 8 worker processes, numbered 00 through 07)

$ sudo supervisorctl status

Now that the Supervisor is configured, we need to tell Invoice Ninja to actually use it.

Edit the .env file for Invoice Ninja

$ sudo vi /path/to/invoiceninja/.env

Edit the following line to change it from sync to database, and save the file


Finally, now that everything is set up, reload the config for Invoice Ninja and restart the queue. I’m using www-data for this example as the web server user.

$ cd /path/to/invoiceninja/
$ sudo -u www-data php artisan optimize
$ sudo -u www-data php artisan queue:restart

That’s it! You should now have a functioning Supervisor setup for Invoice Ninja.

Alternative for queues on shared hosting

If you are on shared hosting, it is possible to get the queues working by defining a new cron with the following configuration:

*/5 * * * * cd  /path/to/root/folder && /usr/bin/php -d register_argc_argv=On artisan queue:work --stop-when-empty

Some people have different web hosting setups, so this might also work:

*/5 * * * * php /home/admin/domains/ queue:work --stop-when-empty

This cron will start a queue worker every 5 minutes and run any jobs that are in the queue and then gracefully terminate itself. This means any emails / notification may be queued for a small period of time prior to executing. If this amount of delay is acceptable, it is a great way to get queue's working on shared hosting.

If you prefer to manage the queues with Supervisor, then you will want to disable the internal Invoice Ninja commands which start the queue, to do this simly set the following .env var


You will then have full control over the queue.

Shared Hosting

Server Requirements

We have tested Invoice Ninja v5 on shared hosting and can confirm that it does work. Softaculous has a one click installer which makes the entire setup process simple, however if you do not have Softaculous available it may still be possible to install Invoice Ninja. There are several checks you will need to do prior to confirming whether your Shared Host has the correctly enabled modules. Invoice Ninja relies on:

Without these modules, you will not be able to run Invoice Ninja. We do include some preflight checks of these modules in the Setup workflow, but it is best to check with your host that they support these modules. Some hosts choose to disable these modules as they classify them as security risks.

Database configuration

Create a MySQL compatible database in your shared host control panel along with a database user, record the database name, username and password as you'll need this later. Ensure your database user has full access to the database you've just created.

Upload release asset

Download the latest release from our Releases page. Note, you'll want to find the latest release which will contain 3 files, the one you need will be annotated as invoiceninja.tar.

Upload this file to your shared host, typically if your webhost uses the industry standard cPanel, you'll want to upload the invoiceninja.tar file to the public_html directory. Once the upload has completed, using the file manager unzip the file.

You will also need to copy/rename the .env.example file to .env

Run setup

Navigate to and fill in the form. The setup process will perform some pre flight checks and then attempt run the setup. If it has been successful you will be navigated to the Admin portal. If the setup fails for some reason, you'll be returned to the Setup screen with an error message, there may be additional errors reported in storage/logs/laravel.log that will provide more information where the setup has failed.

If you see a 404 webserver error and use make sure to point the path for the subdomain towards the /public folder from the extracted invoiceninja.tar file, for example: /domains/

Add the cron job

Add the Laravel scheduler cron job, be sure to include the full path, for a cPanel host it should look like this:

* * * * * cd /path/to/root/folder && /usr/bin/php -d register_argc_argv=On artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

Mail Configuration

When configuring your email, please ensure all of the fields are filled in. In particular you must include the MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS and MAIL_FROM_NAME to prevent errors such as

Address in mailbox given [ ] does not comply with RFC 2822, 3.6.2.

Here is a full example - using Gmail as an example.

MAIL_FROM_NAME="Full Name With Double Quotes"

NOTE: if you are using SSL encryption the MAIL_PORT is 465. TLS encryption is on port 587.

Individual mail configurations per company

From v5.5.38 we support per company mail configurations.

What does this mean?

For example if you have two Companies, Acme co and Ninja co you can create separate mail server configurations for each company.

To configure this you will need to prefix your .env with the primary key of the company ie In your database open the companies table, and if the primary ID column is 1 for Acme co this would be the configuration


If Ninja Co company id 5


Currency Conversion

Invoice Ninja supports Open Exchange for currency conversion. Open Exchange currently provides a free tier which is suitable for daily updates of the exchange rates. Simply insert a Open Exchange API key into your .env file to enable exchange rate updates:


Currencies are updated automatically by using the scheduler. In case the currencies are not available within the UI please double check the database table currencies and ensure that exchange_rate fields contains realistic values.

Lib Saxon

If using e invoicing, you may want to install the saxon extension. The saxon extension provides XSLT2 validation of e invoice schema's and provides additional confidence that your einvoice will be accepted by third party systems.

We have a short video showing the installation steps here:

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