Payment Gateways

Invoice Ninja integrates​ with many "payment gateways" (AKA, merchant processors). A payment gateway allows merchants (that's you!) to accept credit cards and other electronic payments online directly from invoices you email out to your clients.

See our Payment Gateway Integrations

You can easily setup payment gateways within your account under Settings>Payment Settings>"New Gateway"

Payment Gateways List - Blank

Add Payment Gateway Home Page

Add Payment Gateway dropdown list


In this first most important pane, you define the necessary values in order to facilitate communication between Invoice Ninja and your payment gateway's API.


These settings govern some of the behaviors within Invoice Ninja's client portal, or admin portal, when looking at and interacting with your configured payment gateways. Some of these options may or may not appear depending on your payment gateway type.


Here we manage any payment limits, or fees we wish to apply to any transactions. Fees and limits applied are specific to the payment type you have selected.


We no longer support the PayPal Express API integration, we've updated to the "PayPal Platform" and now also support Venmo via PayPal.



Our Stripe integration includes a wide range of payment options including:

Our Stripe integration also includes token billing and refunds


Our Square integration includes Credit Card payment options, including token billing, and refunds. Once you sign up for a Square developer account and configure your application in the Square Developer Dashoard, you will need to provide the Application ID, Access Token, and Location ID to Invoice Ninja. The Application ID and Access Token can be found under OAuth in the left hand sidebar, and the Location ID can be found under Location in the sidebar. More information can be found in the Square developer documentation. The test mode checkbox is available for testing Square integration with Square sandbox credentials.

Our Checkout integration includes Credit Card payment options, including token billing and refunds. Enter your API public key and API secret key, provided by To acquire these, sign in to or create a "The Hub" account on the website. Once signed into "The Hub" click on Settings from the left side menu, and then click Channels. Here you find a list of your businesses registered on, select the appropriate business (if you have multiple here) and you will find the API keys on this screen. For more information about API credentials, visit Docs.



Our Mollie integration includes a wide range of payment options including:

To setup Mollie as a payment method, you will need your profile ID #, and your website API Key. Your profile ID # can be found in the top left corner of the screen when you log in to the Mollie dashboard, and you can find a list of your API keys by clicking the Developers expanding menu on the left sidebar, and then clicking API Keys, as described on the Mollie knowledgebase. After approving your website, you will find your live, and test API keys here. There is a checkbox in the Invoice Ninja admin portal when configuring the Mollie payment gateway, to enable test mode if you are going to use a Test API Key from Mollie.

Error executing API call (422: Unprocessable Entity): No suitable payment methods found.

This error will occur when you don't have enabled payment methods in the Mollie dashboard. Navigate to Mollie > Settings > Website profiles > Select your profile > Payment methods and enable Credit card.



Our PayTrace integration includes Credit Card payment options, including token billing and refunds.



Our PayFast integration includes Credit Card payment options. Here is a quick guide to help setup receiving credit card payments with PayFast

Our integration includes Credit Card payment options, including token billing and refunds. Enter your API Login ID and Transaction Key, provided by To acquire these, sign in to or create a merchant account on the website. After signing in, click Settings on the left side menu, then click API Credentials & Keys. From here you can view and manage new and existing API credentials. For more information about these API credentials, visit Docs.


With Braintree you can integrate payment support through PayPal, credit card, and debit/bank transfer. Enter your merchant ID, public key, and private key, provided by Braintree. To acquire these, sign in or create a production account on the Braintree website, and click the "gear" icon in the top right corner, which expands a drop down list. To find your public and private keys, visit API in the list, and to find your merchant ID, visit Business in the list. For more information about Braintree gateway credentials, visit Braintree Docs.


This is a developer feature (self-hosted), where you can write in your own PHP code with custom API references for your own payment gateway service provider.

Eway Rapid

Our eWAY integration includes Credit Card payment options, including token billing, and refunds. Once you have setup your business in the eWAY portal, you can find your API details under the top menu, by hovering over My Account and then clicking API Keys. Your API Key and Password for Invoice Ninja are listed near the top under Rapid API Key and your Public API Key can be found just below that under the section Pay Now Button. You can find more detailed instructions from the eWAY knowledgebase. The Test Mode checkbox will enable use with the eWAY sandbox account for payment gateway testing.


Our PayTrace integration includes Credit Card payment options, including token billing and refunds. To setup PayTrace you will need your PayTrace account API user credentials and API key, which can be found after successfully setting up an account with PayTrace. There is a process to go through with PayTrace involving testing a sandbox account first, before setting up live payments, make sure you use the Test Mode checkbox when going through this process with sandbox API credentials. For more information visit the PayTrace support website.

Our PayTrace integration includes Credit Card payment options, including token billing and refunds.

Digital Wallets

The below are NOT payment gateways, but rather some information on how your clients can pay an invoice via the client portal using these digital wallets. Support for this depends on your payment gateway (ex. some gateways don't support Apple Pay or Google Pay, etc.)

Apple Pay & Google Pay

As of this moment, to pay with Apple or Google Pay a credit card needs to already be configured in your browser. This is not Invoice Ninja preference, but a platform choice.

Safari on desktop:

Safari on mobile:

Google Chrome:

Microsoft Edge:



The integration of BTCPay Server with Invoice Ninja enables you to accept bitcoin as a payment method, without fees, intermediaries with payments going directly to your bitcoin wallet.

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