Tax Accounting Tips

Invoice Ninja is a fully featured invoicing system with many small-business friendly features.

You can invoice your clients, sell products and services, quotes, purchase orders, auto bill payment methods, track time/tasks, projects, payments...

Some of our features which can help with accounting include:

If your business uses Invoice Ninja for billing your clients, you may want to take advantage of the accounting features we'll describe below.

What is Cash Basis Accounting

Cash basis accounting recognizes revenues and expenses at the time the money is received or paid out.

For example, if you invoiced a client in November 2023 and your tax year is the calendar year ending December 31, 2023, but the client paid their invoice in February 2024, the revenue would be under the 2024 calendar year. Most small businesses use cash basis accounting.

Track all of your expenses

As a small business, whenever you have a business expense it's much easier to log it right away than trying to dig it up and remember what it was for at the end of the tax year.

You can enter each of your expenses in the Invoice Ninja Expenses module:

Enter a new expense

Example use cases

Sales tax collection

If you are collecting sales tax, ensure you have the tax rates configured properly in Invoice Ninja. See Tax Settings for details on tax configuration.

Once your tax rate(s) are added, you would apply tax to your products/invoices. If certain items sold are exempt from sales tax, it's easy to mark a product as Tax Exempt, or taxable at 0% in case you are able to claim input tax credits on it.


You can link your bank account to Invoice Ninja and have it sync your transactions for bookkeeping purposes. See Transactions for how to set this up.

You can import your transactions on demand, or with automatic syncing, which will keep all of your transactions up to date. You also have the option to import bank statements in CSV format.

Or, if you need to, you can enter transactions manually by yourself.

Whether the transactions are added manually, imported, or synced from your bank account, you have the ability to categorize them as Deposit or Withdrawal, set the currency, bank account, and description.

Once a deposit transaction is recorded in Invoice Ninja, you have the ability to link it to an existing payment, or create a new payment record from the transaction. If the transaction is a withdrawal, you can link it to an expense record.


Payments are records of all invoice payments your business receives. When a client pays an invoice online via Invoice Ninja, a payment record will automatically be created and linked to that client and invoice.

You are able to manually record payments (for example, if client paid with cheque). Each payment is linked to an invoice. The invoice module checks the payments linked to the invoice to determine if the invoice is outstanding (payment amounts < invoice total amount).

Reports can be run on payments which can filter the dates, clients, invoices, amounts, etc. Since each payment must be linked to an invoice, taxes are not set on the payment level – the tax rates used for reporting are based on the invoice.

Financial Reports

You can generate customized reports for your various records in Invoice Ninja.

If you consistently entered all your expenses and payments received in Invoice Ninja throughout the year, at the end of the tax year when you need to calculate the total revenues, taxes collected, expenses, and profit amounts to your tax agency, it's easy to accomplish with the built-in reports.

Profit and Loss Report

See Reports: Profit and Loss Report

Manual Calculations

If you do not wish to use the Profit and Loss report, you can run a combination of reports manually.


Payment report


Expense report

The Expense report can be used to tally up all expenditures in the chosen date range. You can further filter by expense types etc.

Tax Summary Report

Tax summary report

The Tax Summary Report can be used to see a total of all the taxes collected in the chosen date range, broken down by each tax rate's name and rate. You may wish to use this report for calculating your input tax credits if you collect multiple rates.

Tax summary report example

Other Reports

There are a number of other reports available for product sales, invoices by client, credits, quotes, purchase orders, and more. See Reports


If you've logged all your expenses, payments received, and taxes collected in Invoice Ninja, the fiscal year-end should be a breeze since it can be calculated at any time with the reports described above.



Clicking the settings gear in the top-right of the dashboard allows you to select the date range for the chart, as well as currency (if you bill in different currencies).

Dashboard overview preferences

The Invoice Ninja dashboard features a chart displaying your invoices, payments, outstanding, and expenses.

Hovering over any point on the chart will show the pop-up calculations:

Dashboard chart hover report

Note that the amounts shown in the dashboard report include sales taxes collected.


Disclaimer: this article is not any form of tax advice. It is simply describing Invoice Ninja's capabilities and configuration. For tax advice consult a tax professional.

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