
Creating Products

There several ways for a product to be created, including:

Products can also be used to represent services rendered. For example, you could have a product entry for service calls, with a price set to your hourly rate, and use the product quantity to represent the billable hours.

Viewing Products

You can view the products in the Invoice Ninja admin portal by going to the Products module in the left navigation menu and clicking a product name.

You can also export the products as a CSV file using the API or the Export function under Settings, to analyze them in an external application.

Editing a Product

Select the prodct, or select More Actions>Edit to enter the editing view.

Product more actions


There are a few functions available from the products More Actions dropdown:

There are only a few fields that apply to a product:

Editing product


The Documents pane allows you to upload and view documents that are linked to the product. These files are only accessible through the admin portal (or client portal if client documents are enabled). This feature is useful for uploading product signage, detailed product descriptions, or technical documents.

Note that uploaded documents are saved in the "public/storage" directory in a folder structure using hashed folder names to match the product entry, so backup this directory along with your database to preserve your attached documents.

Custom Fields

You can apply advanced custom attributes to products called Custom Fields. See: Custom Fields

Inventory Tracking

If you run a business which stocks products, tracking inventory levels is an important component of running a business. In Invoice Ninja, tracking inventory is super simple.

Product settings

Simply turn on Track Inventory in the Product Settings panel. You can also add notifications when a product reaches a threshold, and you will receive an email notifying you of the current stock level. For more fine grained control, you can assign thresholds directory on the product itself.

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To view the current stock levels, simply viewing the product will show the current level.

If you want a spreadsheet of all your prouct's stock levels, you can go to Reports, select Report Product and it will download a .csv of all your products including stock levels.

You can also combine the Purchase Order module to update your inventory level automatically, see Purchase Orders for more info.

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