
The Projects module is useful for managing large collections of work for clients. A project record itself is simple, but its functionality and usefulness come from the records linked to it. By linking Tasks and Expenses to a project, you can stay organized and plan the work for your client. You can also link a project to a User in the admin portal to maintain accountability.

You can assign multiple tasks and expenses to a project, but it is not required. Tasks represent billable hours and assigning them to a project with a Task Rate set, allows you to create a default hourly rate. Expenses represent goods or services you had to pay for. Assigning expenses to a project helps you keep track of them when it's time to bill your client for the completed project.

Viewing a Project

From the Projects module, select any project from the table to bring up the preview pane with the project overview shown first.

At the very bottom of the Projects preview pane, you have an option to create a New Task which will shortcut you to creating a task that is already prepared to be linked to the project you were viewing. The other button at the bottom is Invoice Project which takes you to a new page to create an invoice, already prepared with any unpaid tasks that are assigned to the project.

The kebab menu at the top right corner of the screen also offers these abilities, as well as cloning the project, creating an invoice, and archiving or deleting the project.


The overview tab displays the Total hours and Budgeted hours for the project. The Total hours are the sum of all tasks in the project, allowing you to see the progress of the work relative to the budgeted hours.

You can also see the Client and User assigned to the project, as well as the number of linked Tasks and Expenses. Additionally, you can see the project Due Date and default Task Rate for linked tasks.

Public and private notes are also displayed with different icons.


You can upload files, such as images, documents, and more under the Documents tab. Like most other modules, files uploaded under the documents tab of a project can be viewed by the client through the client portal under the Documents section > Projects tab.

Creating and Editing a Project

Creating and editing a project is simple. Most of the functionality comes from the records linked to it, such as tasks and expenses, making it easy to bill the client for all related work. The customizable fields are:

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