Recurring Expenses

The Recurring Expenses module enables you to schedule repeated expense reports in a similar fashion to recurring invoices. You can use this to automatically generate records for your organizations subscription services, or regular supply purchases.

Recurring Expenses Module View

The Recurring Expenses module displays a table view of all available expense records. You can sort and filter the records by using the options at the top of the table. The status dropdown allows you to change the visible records. Each entry in the table has a More Actions menu on the right that provides options for managing the record, such as editing and cloning.

Viewing a Recurring Expense

To view a recurring expense record, simply click on its number from the table. The edit panel will appear, where you can manage the record.

View recurring expense

More Actions dropdown

Filtering and More Actions dropdown



Additional Info

Note that when you view your reports, recurring expenses will be categorized by the currency of the expense/vendor, not the currency selected under "Convert Currency". If you wish to consolidate your profit and loss totals under one currency, you should select your own currency for each recurring expense, and use the converted amount for the expense amount, leaving any reference to a foreign currency out of the record's details.


The Documents tab supports uploading files such as documents, pictures, and more to allow you to share them with the client when attached to an invoice (when enabled) or with other users of the admin portal.



A simple list of future dates for the cycle of the recurring expense is shown here.

Creating and Editing a Recurring Expense

In the desktop layout, editing or creating a recurring expense will take you to a new screen with all available fields displayed at once. In the mobile layout, editing or creating a recurring expense will open another screen with tabs, organized similar to how they appear in the desktop layout, as described below:

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