Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to many frequently asked questions about Invoice Ninja.

What is the Client Portal?

Edit Client portal dropdown hilighted

Client portal

See Client Portal

What is a subdomain?

Client portal settings

How can I accept payments online? What is a payment gateway (AKA, merchant processor)?

How do I setup automatic reminders for unpaid invoices?

What is the Payments module?

How can I send payment email?

Is it possible to change a quote into an invoice when my client decides to proceed?

How can I charge late fees or percentages for overdue invoices?

What is the documents feature?

I have some clients in different countries. How can I make an invoice in a different currency?

How can I show the currency symbol on invoices/quotes?

Currency localization

How to Setup Taxes?

How can I create individual logins to Invoice Ninja for my staff to make invoices and use features, but not see my business's total revenues or reporting?

What happens when I email an invoice out to the client?

How to make the invoice always included as a PDF attachment in the email?

How do I customize my invoice or quote design?

What is the purpose of the User dropdown in invoices/quotes/expenses?

How can I change which columns show in the different modules?

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